


企业简介: 河南省永城市三农花木有限公司是一家从事花卉苗木,新农村建设,绿化工程等密集型科技企业。三农花木有限公司 ,以科研院所,大专院校等单位为技术背景,并与国内外花卉管理机构、设计单位、绿化单位和知名企业结合成战略联盟,拥有丰富的人才网络资源。多年来,以创造性投资运作,战略性资源整合及营业性的管理和营销服务,始终为客户创造着价值,为经济的发展,新农村建设,城乡绿化,做出了较大的贡献。 公司已经被河南省外国专家局命名为“一村一品”引智花木示范基地。苗圃占地面积2000多亩,是全国最大的中华金叶榆、金叶国槐、金叶白蜡、黄金栾、金叶垂榆、金叶垂槐、红叶国王枫、红枝龙须柳等彩色苗木种植基地。 作为全国百强县(市)永城市三农花木有限公司,于2008年12月被河南省省委、省政府评为“河南省农业产业化优秀龙头企业 ”。2009年12月被河南省名牌战略委员会品牌之窗办公室评为河南省“质量优秀达标企业”公司以园林绿化、苗木繁育、新优地被植物以及观赏草为主,具备二级绿化资质,承接各类绿化工程及苗木栽培、生产、销售等业务。 以诚信立公司,创新求发展为三农公司的立业之本,公司全体员工愿与各界同仁携手共进,创建我们美好的家园。 诚信为本,广交天下朋友!!! Company Profile: Yongchengshi sannong flowers and trees Co., LTD of Henan province is engaged in intensive technology enterprises such as the flower nursery, new rural construction and greening projects. Sannong flowers and trees Co., LTD, with scientific research institutes, colleges and universities as the technical background. The unit , flowers management institution at home and abroad, design units, green units and well-known enterprise are combining into a strategic alliance and it has rich talent network resources. For many years, with the investment strategy, creative resources integration, commercial management and marketing service, it has made great contributions, such as creating value for the customer, economic development, new rural construction and urban greening. The company has been named as " one product of one village " exchanging demonstration base of flowers and trees by Foreign Experts Affairs in Henan province. Nursery covers an area of more than two thousand mu, and it is the largest colour seedling planting base of the Gold-leafed Elm, Gold-leafed Sophora japonica Linn, Gold-leafed pewters, Goldrain tree, Gold-leafed hangs Elm, Gold-leafed hangs locust tree, red leave Guowang maple and red branches slight willow. In December of 2008, it was awarded "best leading enterprises in Henan agricultural industrialization" by Henan provincial party committee, in September of 2009, it was awarded" top science popularization in Henan people benefit unit ". It relies mainly on garden greening, nursery stock breeding, introduction and breeding of the new and excellent Ground Cover Plants and ornamental grass. It possesses 2 greening qualification, and undertakes various kinds of seedling cultivation, production and sales business. 倪总个人简介: 河南省永城市三农花木有限公司总经理倪琳女士,2007年十二月被评为“河南省科技扶贫先进工作者”;2008年十二月获得省、市级农业产业化“优秀企业家”的荣誉称号;2009年十月被评为“2009年度全国十大苗木经纪人”;2010年3月被永城市妇联会评为“三八”红旗手;2010年3月被商丘市委、市政府评为“商丘市优秀农民经纪人”; 2010年9月荣获“河南省十大杰出科技女杰”称号。 倪琳总经理领导的永城市三农花木有限公司下设2个分公司。一个花木农民专业合作社,即:工程绿化公司、工程建筑公司及投资1000万元新成立的“新世纪花木农民专业合作社”。公司拥有彩色苗木基地2000多亩。 倪琳总经理以“多样化经营、规模化生产、效益化管理”为公司发展理念。始终以回报社会、为百姓谋福利为个人宗旨,始终以加强公司物资技术装备,增强抗风险能力、市场竞争能力、可持续发展能力为个人目标。 Rresume: Ni Lin lady is the general manager of Yongchengshi sannong flowers and trees Co., LTD of Henan province. In December of 2007 she has been awarded "advanced worker in Henan aiding the poor with technology"; In December of 2008 she won the provincial and municipal level agricultural industrialization "outstanding entrepreneur" honorary titles; In October of 2009 she was awarded "2009 national top ten nursery stock brokers "; In March of 2010 she was awarded "women's worker" by Women's joint committee of Yongchengshi; In March of 2010 she was awarded " Shangqiu excellent farmer agent " by Shangqiu municipal party committee and the city government; In September of 2010, she was awarded " ten outstanding technology NvJie of Henan" by Henan province. Yongchengshi sannong flowers and trees Co., LTD of Henan province, under the leadership of the general manager Ni Lin, has 2 branch company. One is a flowers and farmers' professional cooperation, namely: engineering company, engineering and construction company greening,the other is called "new established plants farmers professional cooperation " investmented ten million. Company has more than two thousand mu colour seedling planting base. General manager Ni Lin is with " diversification,large-scale production, actual management" for company development concept; And she is always with returning society and for the welfare of the people for personal purpose; And with strengthening the company supplies technical equipment, and enhancing the ability to resist risk, market competition ability and the ability of sustainable development for personal goals.
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河南省永城市三农花木有限公司是一家从事花卉苗木,新农村建设,绿化工程等密集型科技企业。三农花木有限公司 ,以科研院所,大专院校等单位为技术背景,并与国内外花卉管理机构、设计单位、绿化单位和知名企业结合成战略联盟,拥有丰富的人才网络资源。多年来,以创造性投资运作,战略性资源整合及营业性的管理和营销服务,始终为客户创造着价值,为经济的发展,新农村建设,城乡绿化,做出了较大的贡献。
作为全国百强县(市)永城市三农花木有限公司,于2008年12月被河南省省委、省政府评为“河南省农业产业化优秀龙头企业 ”。2009年12月被河南省名牌战略委员会品牌之窗办公室评为河南省“质量优秀达标企业”公司以园林绿化、苗木繁育、新优地被植物以及观赏草为主,具备二级绿化资质,承接各类绿化工程及苗木栽培、生产、销售等业务。
河南省永城市三农花木有限公司总经理倪琳女士,2007年十二月被评为“河南省科技扶贫先进工作者”;2008年十二月获得省、市级农业产业化“优秀企业家”的荣誉称号;2009年十月被评为“2009年度全国十大苗木经纪人”;2010年3月被永城市妇联会评为“三八”红旗手;2010年3月被商丘市委、市政府评为“商丘市优秀农民经纪人”; 2010年9月荣获“河南省十大杰出科技女杰”称号。

公司名称: 河南省永城市三农花木有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (制造商)
所 在 地: 河南省/永城市 公司规模: 1-49人
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2015
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 制造商
经营范围: 中华金叶榆、金叶国槐、金叶白蜡、黄金栾
销售的产品: 白蜡、侧柏、107杨、紫叶李、速生法桐、黄栌、火炬、海棠
采购的产品: 白蜡、侧柏、107杨、紫叶李、速生法桐、黄栌、火炬、海棠
绿化苗木 绿化苗木 / 乔灌木 绿化苗木 / 常绿灌木
绿化苗木 / 移栽大树 绿化苗木 / 绿化小苗
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